Our story & Team

Story beautifully put into words by Indians Inspire

It was a Christmas Eve and like everyone else a boy barely 14 years old was having his fun time with friends at Church. This boy was his usual chirpy mischievous self along with his gang of boys who were trying to just be playful with 3 year old who asked them if Santa Claus really existed. The boy replied smiling – ‘Yes, Of Course he does exist. What is it that you want from him?’

The little fellow with all his innocence said – ‘I need a bicycle so that I can help get water for my mom.’ The gang of boys were little surprised with the reason and upon inquiry found that the little boy is a son of brick kiln laborer whose mother needs to get water from quiet a distance every single day to do her job. This thoughtfulness of the little boy moved a mere 14 year old Kundhan Karunakar who spoke with his friends and said lets pool to get this bicycle. He was aware that the little boy will not be able to help out mom but his thought definitely is noble enough. The friends pooled money of INR 800 and got a basic bicycle but now the biggest challenge was they did not know which hut in the slum is the boy’s home nor they knew his name. So after much thought and with skeptical mind they left it inside a hut which had Christmas star hanging outside.

The next day the little boy again came to church during the mass and was smiling and shouting with joy when he saw the gang of boys and exclaimed – ‘Brother, Santa has gifted me a bicycle’. There is no end to the happiness of the child and the Kundhan says he never felt happier in life. That moment he said – ‘Wow!! Nice to hear that. I never got anything from Santa even though I’ve been asking him so many things.’

The little boy replied straight – ‘Santa gives to only good people.’


All we have realized is “Happiness is contagious”

We started oneness with the same tag and the mission 🙂

Strategy Manager
Dominic Savio
Strategy Manager
Uday Allu
Project Manager
Alkananda D
Branch President
Kavya D
Human Resource Manager
Chandra Mouli
Public Relations Manager
Vasudevanaidu Routhu
Branch President
Rishitha Gandi
Human Resource Manager
Pavan Kumar
Branch President
Prudhvi Grandhi
Sneha N
PR Manager
Kundhan Karunakar